28 May 2010

My name is...

Давайте познакомимся! 
Меня зовут Таня.
Как вас зовут? 

Learn how to tell you name:
Меня зовут ...

Learn how to ask someones name:
Как вас зовут? (formal)
Как тебя зовут? (informal, especially addressing children)
Как его зовут?
Как ее зовут?

Every Russian name consists of three names: a first (given) name, a patronymic name and a surname:First (Given)

Vladimir   Vladimirovich          Putin
Lev          Nikolaevich             Tolstoy
Fedor       Mikhailovich           Dostoevsky

First name

The first name is given by parents shortly afer the child's birth. Accordingly to Russian laws child can change the name after majority. The first name is the main name of Russian people. Most of Russian names have a variety of forms. For example, name Mikhail. The full form Mikhail is used in formal relationships, in official documents (passport, birth certificate, contracts). The short name Misha is used by friends and family members. Affectionate form Mishenka, Mishunya is used by parents, grandparents. And rude form Mishka is impolite.

Patronymic name

Russian patronymic name is derived from father's name according to rule:
Russian male patronymic name forms by adding ending -evich, -ovich. (Nikolaevich, Mikhailovich).
For example, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Tha name of Lev Tolstoy's father was Nikolay, so the Lev Tolstoy's patronymic name is Nikolaevich.
Russian female patronymic name forms by adding ending -ovna, -evna. (Nikolaevna, Mikhailovna). For example, Raisa Maximovna Gorbacheva. Tha name of Raisa Gorbavheva's father was Maxim, so the Raisa's patronymic name is Maximovna.

Russians used First and Patronymic Name in formal relationships, with unfamiliar people, with doctors, teachers, lecturers, older members of family, directors, leaders and other respected people (ex. Vladimir Vladimirovich, Lev Nikolaevich, Fedor Mikhailovich).

So, As I am a teacher... Меня зовут Татьяна Владимировна 

21 May 2010

Plural. Masculine and Feminine nouns

To form the nominative plural of most masculine and feminine nouns replace the nominative singular ending by for hard stems and for soft stems.

One more time:)

Hard stems end on:
- а

Hard stem masculine nouns have zero ending (no ending), so we simply add -ы to form the plural (in other words, we replace zero by -ы):
журналØ -> журналы.

Soft stems end on:
- й
- ь 
- я
- ь

When forming the nominative plural of nouns never break the 7-letter spelling rule: after г, к, х, ж, ш, щ, ч write , not -ы (no matter if the stem is hard or soft):
книга - книги (books),
юбка - юбки (skirt),
стих - стихи (poems),
нож - ножи (knives),
карандаш - карандаши (pencils), etc.


 (man- people, child-children)

Exercise. Form the nominative plural of nouns:
Йогурт, помидор, яблоко, банан, апельсин, лимон, конфета,
Ложка, вилка, нож, тарелка, чашка, чайник.
Дверь, стол, кровать, диван, шкаф, лампа, подушка.
Кошка, собака.
Телевизор, компьютер, телефон
Юбка, блузка, футболка, зонтик,


First, you should learn what hard and soft stems are.
A soft stem is a stem that ends in a soft consonant. The letter ь and the vowel letters я, е, ё, ю, и indicate that the preceding consonant is soft.
If there is no one of these six letters at the end of the stem, we assume that the stem is hard.

So the word has a hard stem if it ends on:

- а

The word has a soft stem if it ends on:

- й
- ь 
- я
- ь

Exercise: What is the gender of these words? What is a stem?

Кухня, мясо, рыба, яйцо, сыр, колбаса, йогурт, помидор, свёкла, яблоко, банан, апельсин, лимон, торт, конфета, печенье, вода, чай, пиво, вино, водка.
Дверь, окно, стол, стул, кровать, диван, зеркало, шкаф, лампа, одеяло, подушка.
Кошка, собака 
Телевизор, компьютер, телефон

What do the words mean? Find some of them on the pictures.

17 May 2010


Russian has three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter (neutral). In the cases of words like “father” these relate to physical gender. In the case of other objects, there is no physical meaning attached to the gender. However you will still need to know the gender because it affects how words are formed. Luckily in Russian it is almost always possible to tell what the gender of a noun by its spelling.
When you use a noun as the subject of a sentence, it will be in its dictionary form. In this form you can easily work out it’s gender. If the noun is in another part of the sentence the ending is changed to suit the case. From the dictionary form of a noun, here is how you can tell what the gender is:

1. Look at the last letter of the word:
2. If it is a consonant, or “й”, the word is masculine.
3. If it is “а” or “я” it is feminine.
4. If it is “о” or “е” it is neuter.
5. If it is a soft sign “ь” then it could be either masculine or feminine.

- й
- ь 
- а
- я
- ь

 There are very few exceptions to these rules. But there are notable exceptions, this occurs mainly because of physical gender.
Папа - (Daddy, Papa) - Is Masculine
Дядя - (Uncle) - Is Masculine
Дедушка - (Grandfather) - Is Masculine
Мужчина - (Man) - Is Masculine

Arrange the words in accordance with their genders.

Город, проспект, улица, площадь, магазин; 
Дом, здание, вокзал, станция, музей, ресторан, кафе; 
Поезд, самолет, трамвай, автобус, метро;  
Ручка, книга, журнал, письмо, словарь;  
Россия, Англия, Италия, Америка, Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Париж, Лондон;
Дочь, брат, сестра, сын, отец, мать, дедушка, бабушка,
Офис, компьютер, телефон; документ, паспорт, виза

15 May 2010

First phrases: essentials

Да - Yes
Нет - No

Спасибо! - Thank you
Пожалуйста! - Please (and You're Welcome)
Извините! - I am sorry  and Excuse me

The word Пожалуйста is used to mean "You're Welcome", after somebody says thank-you. Пожалуйста is pronounced a little different than it is written, you can basically forget the "уй".

Привет!  -  Hi  
Здравствуй (те)! - Hello!

Пока!  - Bye!(informal)
До свидания! - Good-bye!

Здравствуйте may be a little difficult for you to pronounce at first, but it is the most common Russian greeting so you should try to practice it. Привет is also commonly used with friends.

Я не понимаю. - 
I don't understand
Я не знаю. - I don't know

Soft consonants. Spelling signs Ь - Ъ (soft and hard)

Presence of soft consonants is a feature of Russian phonetic system.At pronouncing soft consonants tongue moves ahead, the middle part of its back rises in the direction of the firm palate. Sounds become i-shaped.
Hard and soft consonants are indicated by the same letters.
On writing the softness of consonants is indicated by the following letters е, ё, ю, я, и, ь.
The letter ь («a soft sign») does not indicate any sound.
The letter ъ («a hard sign») indicates hardness of the previous consonant.

Consonants Х, Ц, Ч, Щ, Й

Consonants Л, Р, M, Н

Consonants З - С

Consonants Ж - Ш

Consonants Д - Т

Consonants Г- К

Consonants В - Ф

Consonants Б - П


Vowels under an accent are pronounced with the greater force and longi­tude. 
In unaccented syllables vowels are reduced, i. e. vowels are pronounced more shortly and more poorly, and vowels [o], [e] change also their quality: 
[o] is pronounced as brief [a], 
[e] is pronounced as [i].

12 May 2010

Images И - Ы

Special Russian sound is [ы]. To pronounce the sound [ы], it is necessary to орen a mouth as for pronouncing [i], thus it is necessary to move tongue back so that its tip departs from the bottom teeth. The sound [ы] is used only after hard consonants, in the end or in the mid­dle of a word.

Images У - Ю

Images O - Ё

Images Э - Е

Images (А - Я)

When you learn try to create an image in your mind, make it bright and funny.
Here are images of E. Zhitnik for Russian letters: А and Я

Find their place in alphabet.
Why do I write them together?
What sound do they express? In what surroundings?


There are 10 cyrillic letters that are used to express 6 Russian sounds.

The letters are:
А а, О о, Уу, Ээ, И и, ы, Е е, Ё ё, Юю ю, Я я
The sounds are:
[а], [о], [у], [э], [и], [ы]
To practice
The letters Е, Ё, Ю, Я express:
1. Е - [э]            or         [йэ]
    Ё - [о]                         [йо]
  Ю - [у]                          [йу]
    Я - [а]                         [йа]

after consonants         * in the beginning of the word (юг, яблоко)
(the vowels also           * after vowels (Испания, твоё, мою)
indicate softness         * after ъ, ь (съесть)
of the previous


Alphabet is not difficult and many letters are already familiar to an English speaking person.
  Russian alphabet is a Cyrillic alphabet which was created by two Greek brothers, monks, St.Cyril and Methodius, missionaries to the Slavs. They devised the alphabet for the use by Slavic peoples. At present, basic Cyrillic alphabet is used by several languages. Each language also has some letters which are specific to that particular language. Cyrillic alphabet is used by Russians, Byelorussians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Serbians est.

Russian alphabet is phonetic, or nearly phonetic. This means that every SOUND in Russian language has a corresponding LETTER in the alphabet. There are just few spelling rules in Russian.
This means that once you learn how to pronounce Russian letters you can read Russian. You might not understand, but we will be able to read.
If you can read, you can understand already a lot. First we use a lot of foreign words and by being able to read it, you will be able to understand what are we talking about.

Russian alphabet is not difficult and many letters are already familiar to an English speaking person.
There are only 16 completely new letters to be learned and 6 letters to learn new pronounciation.

Russian letters that are (almost) the same.
А а - Pronounced like the "a" in the word "father" or "car". It is not the 'flat' "a" sound you sometimes hear in words like "cat" or "flat".
К к - Pronounced like the "k" in "kitten" or "kangaroo". This letter replaces the english "c" sound in words like "cat".
М м - Pronounced like the "m" in man. (Note: Unlike english, the hand-written "м" should always start from the bottom)
O o - When stressed, it is pronounced like the "o" in "bore". When un-stressed it is pronounced more like the letter "a". (See later notes.)
Т т - Pronounced like the "t" in "tap". (Note: The hand-written form for "т" should always start from the top, as it looks quite similar to the letter "м")

Russian letters that look like english letters but sound different.
(These are the most important to learn so you don't get them mixed up.)
В в - Pronounced like the "v" in "vet". (Equivalent to the english letter "v").
Е е - Pronounced like the "ye" in "yes".
Н н - Pronounced like the "n" in "no". (Equivalent to the english letter "n").
Р р - Pronounced like the "r" in "run", but it is rolled. (Equivalent to the english letter "r").С с - Pronounced like the "s" in "see". (Equivalent to the english letter "s"). (It might help to remember that it's used like the "s" sound in the english words "centre" and "cent".)
У у - Pronounced like the "oo" in "boot" or "root".
Х х - Pronounced like the "h" in "hello". However, this is often pronounced more like the "ch" in the Scottish "Loch" or German "Bach", or the spanish "x" in "Mexico".

Russian letters that look unusual, but have familiar sounds
Б б - Pronounced like the "b" in "bat". (Equivalent to the english letter "b").
Г г - Pronounced like the "g" in "go". (Equivalent to the english letter "g").
Д д - Pronounced like the "d" in "dog". (Equivalent to the english letter "d").
З з - Pronounced like the "z" in "zoo". (Equivalent to the english letter "z").
И и - Pronounced like the "i" in "taxi". (Sometimes equivalent to the english letter "i", the short 'ee' sound.). (Note: The hand-written form for "и" looks a little like the english "u").
Л л - Pronounced like the "l" in "love". (Equivalent to the english letter "l").
П п - Pronounced like the "p" in "pot". (Equivalent to the english letter "p").
Ф ф - Pronounced like the "f" in "fat". (Equivalent to the english letter "f").
Э э - Pronounced like the "e" in "fed".

New Russian letters
(The sounds will be familiar, but they don't have their own letter in English).
Ю ю - Pronounced like the "u" in "universe". (Pronounced much like the english word "you").
Я я - Pronounced like the "ya" in "yard".
Ё ё - Pronounced like "yo" in "yonder".
Ж ж - Like "s" in "measure", "pleasure" or "fusion" or like "g" in colour "beige". (As there is no english symbol for this sound, it is usually represented as "zh")
Ц ц - Similar to the "ts" sound in "sits" or "its".
Ч ч - Pronounced like the "ch" in "chips" or "church" .
Ш ш - Pronounced like the "sh" in shut.

Specific Russian Sounds
Щ щ - Pronounced like "sh" but with your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Try putting your tongue in the same position as you would to say "ch" but say "sh" instead. English speakers may find it hard to define the difference between "ш" and "щ".
Ы ы - Pronounced like the "i" in "bit" or "ill". (Said with your tounge slightly back in your mouth.)
Й й - This letter is used to form diphthongs. So "oй" is like the "oy" sound in "boy" or "aй" is like the "igh" in "sigh".

Pronunciation Symbols
(These letters have no sound on their own, but are still considered letters.).
Ъ ъ - The 'Hard Sign' is rarely used. It indicates a slight pause between sylables.
Ь ь - The 'Soft Sign' makes the previous letter 'soft'. Think of the "p" sound in the word "pew". (Try inflecting a very slight "y" sound onto letter before it.)

Do you want to learn the Russian language?

Teaching Russian as a foreign language is my speciality. I want to try to combine some traditional ways and some ideas from the field of non-formal education.
I will publish here educational material and exercises. If it helps you to master your Russian, it will be great. You are very welcome to give you feed back. You can do the exercises and in case of necessity send me to check.

But before... Tell me about yourself in comments, so I could publish something specially for you. What is your country of origin? What languages do you speak? What are your interests? What is your level and reason to learn?

Have a nice time!